
May 30, 2018

Need of corporate social responsibility plan for your employees

corporate social responsibility

Need of corporate social responsibility plan for your employees

There is no denying fact that human capital is the biggest intangible asset of any organization and efforts are put to attract and retain the best. Employees are the competitive advantage of any organization and to keep them motivated, employers give various benefits and perks such as on-site child care, competitive salaries, etc. While this gives a boost to their morale, employees also take into consideration intangible benefits like an organization’s core values and it’s community involvement.

At Kidswiz, we have been offering CSR Activities For Underprivileged  and have observed that employees are motivated and willing to go the extra mile to make the organization more successful when there is a higher good associated with it. Here are a few other ways CSR activities benefits employees and why an organization should be involved in one:

Boosting employee confidence

When employees undertake projects outside of normal work such as volunteering or involvement in community projects, it boosts their morale and instills confidence in them. As employees perceive that the organization is much more about turning business into profits and genuinely care about the society, it motivates them to work better.


Better employee engagement and performance

Employees often feel positive about the company’s involvement in CSR activities which increases employee engagement and tends to improve their performance. By introducing innovative programs such as giving paid volunteer time days off or a cash prize to donate to the charity of the employees’ choice, organizations increase participation among employees for CSR activities.


Increased creativity

When employees are involved in projects that are not part of the regular work such as volunteering, it tends to increase their creativity and problem-solving skills. When organizations express their values and passions through CSR, employees may be inspired to develop new and better ways to do their work.

Improved retention

If the employees are enthusiastic about the CSR activities of the organization and are always willing to be involved, their chances of staying in the company increases their overall commitment towards the organization. Commitment includes the positive attitude towards the company and how they see their future/success tied to the organization’s success.

employee retention using CSR

CSR activities for corporate by professionals is not a challenge today as organizations like KidsWiz help companies execute projects based on various social causes such as being healthy, obeying road safety rules, Swachh Bharat, garbage segregation, environment friendliness, etc. Our core mission is to involve corporate organizations in instilling socially responsible behavior among children through interactive shows. We conduct CSR activities where we co-sponsor school shows with corporates. As sponsors, there are various methods through which our project can benefit you. We will help generate brand awareness through all our digital and print media. Our project has the potential to help you directly reach a highly targeted audience.
We have a highly professional and detail oriented team that ideates and executes all the school shows on socially relevant themes.